Health for all Children


Rollameter 100


The Rollameter100 is an inexpensive100cm [1m] “mattress” designed to allow any infant not yet able to stand straight to be measured lying down [supinely] to the nearest 1mm – a lightweight, portable, non-stretch, non-shrink, hygienic device of closed cell plastic foam, it is designed to be rolled up for storage when not in use.

See MEASURE MAT for a rough-and-ready supine measurement to the nearest ½cm.

CGF Best Buy Product

CGF Best Buy Product

SKU: ROLLA100 Category:

Product Description

Measures 0-100cm: accurate to 1mm

Portable weight: 2kg
Portable dimensions: 27x21x21cm

The Rollameter is a lightweight, portable, non-stretch, non-shrink, hygienic rool-up mattress of closed cell plastic foam designed for measuring the length of a 1st year infant. The Rollameter also is appropriate for hospital/field based research.

NB It is always desirable that infants be measured nude but for purposes of website illustration the nappy has been left on this male infant.

child growth foundation



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