Harlow Printing and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) has now produced a complete suite of charts (supplied in the UK by Harlow Printing) for all uses ranging from child health surveillance to detailed monitoring of children with health problems. They use the WHO 2006 data between the ages of 2 weeks and 4 years and UK1990 data for birth and preterm data and after 4 years. There is also a Down Sydrome chart jointly published with the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group which uses the UK Down Syndrome reference data.
New in 2013: Child and Puberty Close Monitoring (CPCM) Chart
The Newest of these charts published in June 2013 is the CPCM chart. This is a modification of the main school age chart for use in children with growth or nutritional problems and will be ideal for use in specialist clinics and special schools. The chart extends to age 20 years and features:
Click here to see our growth chart product range.
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