Health for all Children

4 Nations Child Policy Network

A child policy website

  • Do you want to be kept up to date on new consultations issued by the Department of Health relating to children and young people?
  • Do you want to know what’s happening to mental health legislation in Scotland?
  • Would you know where to look for debates on issues relating to children in the National Assembly for Wales?
  • Are you interested in Northern Ireland Assembly Committee proceedings relating to young people?
    If you need information about policy, consultations and legislation from the four devolved nations that relates to children and young people, the 4 Nations Child Policy Network website and free email briefing service is your one source of information.

The 4 Nations Child Policy Network is a partnership between four children’s organisations based in each of the nations – National Children’s Bureau, Children in Wales, Childcare NI and Children in Scotland. Staff based in each of the partner organisations are able to collect information about what’s happening in their nation.

The Website
The website is our core service. It provides a variety of content that enables organisations to stay up to date without having to search through a multitude of different sources.
Updated everyday the information we provide covers:

  • Latest: Government announcements, and reports and consultations published
  • Easy Guides to Parliamentary and Assembly procedures in the four nations
  • Consultations – past and present
  • Legislation and guidance – past and present: Information about current legislation passing through the assemblies and parliaments.
  • Parliamentary and Assembly proceedings – past and present
  • Background information – organisations and journals to consult for further research

Email Bulletins
Our users can sign up for regular free email bulletins covering each of the four nations, and for a bulletin that summarises the main news, consultations and legislation across the four nations. We also provide printed bulletins for those who do not have email or web access.

Contact Us
For further information contact:
4 Nations Child Policy Network
8 Wakley Street
London EC1V 7QE
Tel: 020 7843 6068 or 020 7843 6063