Health for all Children

Chapter 8 References

Where possible we have provided additional details of websites referenced, see the Support Directory.

general Growth monitoring
178 Conditional reference charts
178 Weight Monitoring Chart
179 ‘Clue’s from children’s meal times’
180 ‘Eating Disorders in Children’
182 Human growth hormone
183 Data supporting correction for prematurity
186 Weight management
186 Childhood obesity

General: Growth monitoring
Hall D M B, Voss L D. Growth monitoring. Arch. Dis. Child. 2000 82: 10-15.
Wright C M. Identification and management of failure to thrive: a community perspective. Arch. Dis. Child. 2000 82: 5-9.
See also articles at end of this document on height monitoring.

Page 178: Conditional reference charts
Conditional reference charts – Wright C, Avery A, Epstein M, Birks E, Croft D. New chart to evaluate weight faltering. Arch Dis Child 1998;78:40-3.

Page 178: Weight Monitoring Chart
Wright C. Weight monitoring chart: for children with slow weight gain. South Shields: Harlow Printing 1998.

Page 179: ‘Clue’s from children’s meal times’
Video and instruction manual – “Clues from children’s mealtimes” – a training video and booklet.

Page 180: ‘Eating Disorders in Children’
“Eating disorders in children” – See also Recommendations for best practice for weight and growth faltering in young children. August 1992. The Children’s Society. This has not been officially endorsed by RCPCH.

Page 182: Human growth hormone
Guidance on the use of human growth hormone (somatropin) in children with growth failure. NICE Technology Appraisal No. 42 May 2002.

Page 183: Data supporting correction for prematurity
The data supporting the correction for prematurity have been submitted for publication.

Page 186: Weight management
An Approach to Weight Management in Children and Adolescents (2-18 years) in Primary Care.Produced for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and National Obesity Forum by Penny Gibson, Laurel Edmunds, David W Haslam, Elizabeth Approach_2PAGES_TOGETHER.pdf

Page 186: Childhood Obesity
A report of the Child Growth Foundation seminar on “The epidemic of obesity in childhood” held on July 29th and 30th 2000 is available.