Health for all Children

Chapter 5 References

Where possible we have provided additional details of websites referenced, see the Support Directory.

page page
107 School Age Health 116 Bullying
108 Polnay report 117 Teachers and confidentiality
108-109 Children’s views 118 National health school programme
109 Pre-school and early school 119 Breakfast clubs
111 Lightfoot and Bines 119 Public health nurses – Scotland
111 Infectious diseases in schools 119-120 Health profiles for a district
111 Free fruit scheme 120 ‘Quality protects’
112 Consent and confidentiality 121 DFES – social inclusion
113 ‘Losing the Thread’ 122 Teenage pregnancy
114 Health care plans 123 Sheffield HIV ‘Sexual Health’ website
115 Medications in schools 123 Social Exclusion and teenage pregnancy
115 Allergy and adrenaline syringes 123 Contraception without parental consent
115 Birmingham school project 126 Government: teen pregnancy

Page 107: School Age Health
Publications from DFES are available on:
A review of the literature on teenagers perceived needs and access to primary health care – Gleeson. ‘Children’s access to school health nurses’. Gleeson C, Primary Health Care, 2001, 11, no. 9, 33-36
Jackson and Debell (2000) School Nursing Contribution to the Public Health Agenda: a Strategy for Practice, CPHVA.
Durlak JA, Wells AM. Primary prevention mental health programs for children and adolescents: a meta-analytic review. American Journal of Community Psychology. 1997;25:115-152
Barlow, J., Stewart-Brown, S., and Fletcher, J. Systematic review of the school entrant medical examination. 1997. Oxford, Health Services Research Unit.
Oppong-Odiseng ACK, Heycock EG. Adolescent health services – through their eyes. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1997;77:115-119.
A website especially for teenagers –
‘Wired for Health’ is the website providing health information for

Page108: Polnay report
Report of a Joint Working Party on Health needs of school age children. Chaired by Leon Polnay. British Paediatric Association London 1995

Page 108-109: Children’s view – ‘Children in London’, UN Convention, European Human Rights. Adolescent health care report
‘Sort it out – Children and young people’s ideas for building a better London’. Office of the Children’s Rights Commissioner for London –
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child can be found at an account of children’s rights for children and young people at
Children health rights – implementing the UN convention on the rights of the child within the National Health Service. British Association for Community Child Health, March 1995.
European Convention on Human Rights –
Health services for Adolescents- RCPCH London 2003 –

Page 109: Pre-school and early school
Information resource on elementary and early childhood education. This site also offers an information service and will respond to requests for literature searches – questions should be sent directly to AskERIC at
In a different light – school nurses and their role in meeting the needs of school aged children. Queens Nursing Institute, London. December 1996.
Health services for children and young people in the community: home and school. Report of the House of Commons Health Committee, 1996-97 session. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office – The Stationery Office Ltd. ISBN 0102137978 There are other volumes in this series looking at hospital services and CAMHS.
Young people and health – health behaviour in school aged children. Health Education Authority, 1999. A survey of the health behaviour in school aged children, covering a wide range of topics. It is essentially a descriptive study.
Health needs of school age children. The views of children, parents and teachers linked to local and national information. Kurtz Z and Thornes R, January 2000. (Available on This study was funded by the DFEE and the DOH under the healthy schools programme. It provides very useful information about the views of children and young people, integrated with a literature review.
Supporting pupils with medical needs. A good practice guide.
Department of Health and Department for Education and Employment (1996).
Losing the Thread, Pupils’ and Parents’ Voices about Education for Sick Children, Angela Bolton. Present, 1997. ISBN 0 9524869 2 X.

Page 111: Lightfoot and Bines

Lightfoot, J. and Bines, W. The role of nursing in meeting the health needs of school age children outside hospital. Final report to the Department of Health. DH 1430. 1996. York, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York.

Page 111: Infectious diseases in schools
‘Evidence base of incubation periods, periods of infectiousness and exclusion policies for the control of communicable diseases in schools and preschools’. Richardson M et al. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 2001, 20, 380-391. See also the web site

Page 111: Free fruit scheme
The free fruit scheme is part of the NHS Plan, 2000. .Preliminary evaluation of the free fruit scheme is at

Page 112: Consent and Confidentiality; children with special needs in schol. ‘Supporting puplis with medical needs’
Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment. Department of Health
Supporting pupils with medical needs. A good practice guide.
Department of Health and Department for Education and Employment (1996)

Page 113: ‘Losing the thread’ published by Present (previously National Association for Education of Sick Children)
Losing the Thread, Pupils’ and Parents’ Voices about Education for Sick Children, Angela Bolton. Present, 1997. ISBN 0 9524869 2 X.

Page 114: Health care plans
There is a web site for sick children’s care in school –
In a class apart: A study of school nursing. DeBell D, Everett G, Anglia Polytechnic University, Norwich. 1997.

Page 115: Medications in school
Supporting pupils with medical needs. A good practice guide.
Department of Health and Department for Education and Employment (1996)

Page 115: Allergy and adrenaline syringes
Macdougall C F, Cant A J, Colver A F How dangerous is food allergy in childhood? The incidence of severe and fatal allergic reactions across the UK and Ireland Arch. Dis. Child. 2002 86: 236-239.

Page 115: Birmingham school project – administration of medicines in schools

Page 116: Bullying
Bullying web sites:
School bullying – insights and perspectives. Smith P K and Sharp S. Routledge London and New York, 1994

Page 117: Teachers and confidentiality. Drop-in clinics for school aged children. Primary care service in Cornwall – innovations
The Brook gives some useful advice on confidentiality at
Details of some drop-in clinic projects are available at and

Page 118 National health school programme
The health promoting school: final report of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS) Evaluation project in England. Published by Health Education Authority 1998. It discusses the process undertaken in becoming a health promoting school and the effect on pupils, teachers and the wider community.The Home page of the National Healthy School Standard is

Page 119: Breakfast clubs, obesity prevention, clean drinking water (‘water is cool in school’)
The site AskERIC has a number of breakfast clubs listed. Search the database using ‘breakfast’) –
Interventions for preventing obesity in children (Cochrane Review). Campbell K, Waters E, O’Meara S, Kelly S, Summerbell C. The Cochrane Library, Issue 4, 2002.
‘Water in School is Cool’ is campaign to ensure that school children have ready access to drinking water during school time

Page 119: Public health nurses – Scotland
“Nursing for health” – effectiveness of public health nursing, a series of systematic reviews. Scottish Executive, 2001. or fax: 0870 606 5588

Page 119-120: Health profiles for a district
Examples of profiling can be found at

Page 120: ‘Quality protects’
The Quality Protects website is at

Page 121: DFES – social exclusion
Hayden C. Primary age children excluded from school: a multi agency focus for concern.Children and Society 1994;8:257-273.

Page 122 ‘Teenage pregnancy – report by the social exclusion unit’ 1999
Teenage Pregnancy. Social Exclusion Unit, 1999.

Page 123: Sheffield HIV ‘Sexual Health’ website
The Sheffield Centre for HIV and Sexual Health provides a wide variety of information and resources in this field.
Sexual health services for young people –
National Guideline on the Management of suspected Sexually Transmitted Infections in Children and Young People.
Clinical effectiveness group (Association for Genitourinary Medicine and the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases). 2002.

Page 123: Social exclusion and teenage pregnancy – Sure Start. Health sequences of teenage pregnancy
SureStart website –
A Medline service specifically for teenage pregnancy –

Page 123: Contraception without parental consent
Consent – What you have a right to expect? Department of Health, 2001.

Page 126: Government objectives re. teen pregnancy, innovative practice links
The Teenage Pregnancy Unit is at Examples of good practice are at