Health for all Children

Chapter 16 References

Where possible we have provided additional details of websites referenced, see the Support Directory.

321 General issues – special circumstances 324 Health care for refugees
322 Adoption (Inter-country aspects) Act 1999 325 Infectious diseases in refugee children
322 Climbie report 327 Traveller families
322 Separating siblings for adoption 329 Homeless families
322 British agencies for adoption and fostering 330 Children of women in prison
322 Refugees 331 Women in mother and baby units in prison
323 Medical foundation for victims of torture 332 Young people in prison

Page 321: General issues – special circumstances
‘Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families’ Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office., London, The Stationery Office. 2001.

Page 322: Adoption (Inter-country aspects) Act 1990
Web site for adoption –

Page 322: Climbie report

Page 322: Separating siblings for adoption

Page 322: British agencies for adoption and fostering – medical group
Department of Health 1994 Signposts: Findings from a national inspection of private fostering, London: Department of Health
Philpot T. A very private practice. An investigation into private fostering. BAAF adoption and fostering 2001
Olusanya B, Hodes D. West African children in private foster care in City and Hackney Child: Care, Health and Development. 2000. 26 (4) 337-342
Private fostering – A cause for concern. Social Services Inspectorate and the Department of Health, 2001.
BAAF website –

Page 322: Refugees
Refugee Council –
The Health of Refugee children – guidelines for paediatricians. Levenson R and Sharma A. RCPCH, 1999.
Convention relating to status of refugees, 1951 UN, Geneva and Protocol relating to the statua of refugees, 1967, UN, Geneva. The text of both can be found at
Lynch, M. A and Cunninghame, C. (2000) Understanding the needs of young asylum seekers,Archives of Disease in Childhood83, 384-7.
Webb, E. (1996) Children and the inverse care law, BMJ316, 1588-91.
Save the Children Fund UK (2000) Asylum Seekers, Save the Children Fund,
Kate Stanley. (2001) Cold Comfort: Young separated refuges in England. Save the Children Fund, London.
Gosling, R. (2000) Report on HAZ National Innovation Fund: Young Refugee Project, Community Health South London,
Levenson, R. and Coker, N. (1999) Health of refugees: a guide for GPs, King’s Fund,
The Home Office Immigtaion & Natioanlity Directorate have published their Asylum Policy Instructions, etc. at
The Health and Well-Being of Asylum Seekers and Refugess. Woodhead D. 2000.
King’s Fund.

Page 323: Medical foundation for victims of torture
Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture –

Page 234: Health care for refugees – joint paper by College and Kings
The Health of Refugee children – guidelines for paediatricians. Levenson R and Sharma A. RCPCH, 1999.

Page 325: Infectious diseases in refugee children. Infections in children from developing countries. Screening
For further discussion of the management of children from abroad see Brouwer M L, Tolboom J J M, Hardeman J H P. Routine screening of children returning home from the tropics: retrospective study. BMJ 1999 318: 568, the subsequent correspondence and the RCPCH Manual of Childhood Infections. Ed. Davies E G, Elliman D A C, Hart C A, Nicoll A, Rudd P T. W B Saunders, 2001.

Page 327: Traveller families
Office for Standards in Education (1996) The education of travelling children. A survey of educational provision for travelling children.
Van Cleemput, P. (2000) Healthcare needs of travellers, Archives of Disease in Childhood,82, 32-7.

Page 329: Homeless families
Webb, E., Shankleman, J., Evans, M.R., Brooks, R. (2001) The health of children in refuges for women victims of domestic violence: cross-sectional descriptive survey, BMJ323, 210-13.Pleace, N. and Qulgars, D. (2000) Health and homelessness in London: a review. King’s Fund, London.
Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (2001) Statutory homelessness: England first quarter. Statistical release SH-Q1. Department for transport, Local Government and the Regions, London.
Connelly, J, and Crown, J. (ed.) (1994) Homelessness and ill-health. Report of a Working Party of the Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Physicians of London,
Vostanis, P., Grattan, E., and Cumella, S. (1998) Mental health problems of homeless children and families: longtitudinal study, BMJ316, 899-902.
A useful website with a searchable bibliography on ‘Research on Single homelessness in Britain’ also has details relevant to children, young people and mothers.

Page 330: Children of women in prison
Cullen, C. and Minchin, M. (2000) The prison population in 1999, Research Findings No. 118, Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate,
Caddle, D. and Crisp, D. (1997) Mothers in prison. Research Findings No. 38, Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate, London.
Richards, M. et al. (1996) Imprisonment and family ties. Home Office Research and Statistics Bulletin No. 38.

Page 331: Women in mother and baby units in prison
Howard League for Penal Reform (1999) In the best interests of babies? Howard League submission to the Prison Service Review of Mothers and babies in Prison. ISBN 0 903683 36 9 Order from

Page 332: Young people in prison
Lyon, J. Dennison, C., Wilson, A. (2000) Messages from young people in custody – focus group research. Research Findings No. 127, Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate, London.