Health for all Children

Chapter 15 References

Where possible we have provided additional details of websites referenced, see the Support Directory.

291 General child protection issues 300 Department of Health statistics
291 Prevention of child abuse 300 ‘Quality Protects’
292 Children Act 1989 302 Poor health of looked after children
293 ‘Working together to safeguard children’ 303 Health of looked after children
293 Children in need and their families 304 Children Act, amendment
293 Children involved in prostitution 305 ‘Quality Protects’ and ‘Children First’
294 Area child protection committees 305 ‘Looking after children’
296 Responsibilities of PCTs 307 ‘Champions for children … in care’
297 Child protection register 307 ‘Quality Protects’
297 Factitious illness 311 Outcomes of ‘Quality Protects’
298 Domestic violence 312 ‘Managed clinical network
300 ‘Working together to safeguard children’ 313 Utting report
300 Part 8 enquiries 315-319 Adoption
300 Training and child protection 317 Adoption Allowance
300 Looked after children

Page 291: General issues on child protection
The House of Commons Health Committee (1998) Children Looked after by the Local Authority.
Utting, W. (1997) People Like Us The Report Of The Review Of The Safeguards For Children Living Away From Home, HMSO, London. ISBN: 0113221010
The Governments Response to the Children’s Safeguard Review (1998) London The Stationery Office, Cm 4105
Webb, E. (1998) Children and the Inverse Care Law, BMJ316, 1588-90.
Gallagher, B. (1999) The Abuse of Children in Public Care, Child Abuse Review8, 357-65.
Social Services Inspectorate (1997) When Leaving Home is also Leaving Care, Department of Health CI, (97, 4). SSI 1997 405
Biehal, N. et al (1995) Moving on: young people and leaving care schemes, Barnardos, London.
Department of Health Statistics and Surveys are found at
Barn, R. (ed) (1999) Working with Black Children and Adolescents in Need, BAAF, London.
Brodie, I., Berridge, D., Beckett, W. (1997). The health of children looked after by local authorities, British Journal of Nursing6 (7), 386-90.
Mather, M., Humphrey, J. Robson, J. (1997). The statutory medical and health needs of looked after children. Time for a radical review? Adoption and Fostering, 21 (2), 36-40.
Patel, P. B., Brook, A. M. (2000) Inequalities in health and education amongst Looked after Children in Leistershire and Rutland, British Association of Community Child Health newsletter. Winter edition. Will be available at
Butler, I. and Payne, H. (1997) The health of children looked after by the local authority,Journal of Adoption and Fostering21, 2.
McCann, J., James, A., Wilson, S., Dunn, G. (1996) Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in young people in the care system, BMJ313 (15), 29-30.
Dimigen, G., Del Priore, C., Butler, S., Evans, S. et al. (1999) Psychiatric disorder among children at time of entering local authority care: Questionnaire survey, BMJ319, 675
Jackson, S., Williams, J., Maddocks, A., Love, A., Chung, W., Hutchings, H. (2000) The health needs and health care of School aged Children Looked after by local authorities. Final report to the Wales office of research and development, University of Wales, Swansea.
Hill, C. M., Watkins, J. (2000) Does the statutory medical review offered to children looked after by Southampton City Council provide an effective means of health assessment?Report, SE Regional NHSE.
Halfon, N., Berkowitz, A. B., Klee, L. (1992) Children in foster care in California: an examination of Medicaid reimbursed health services utilisation and expenditures, Pediatrics,89, 1230-7.
Takayama, J. I., Bergmann, A. B., Connell, F. A. (1994) Children in foster care in the state of Washington: health care utilization and expenditures, JAMA, 201-7.
Bilaver, L. A., Kienberger Jaudes, P., Koepke, D. et al. (1999) Notes on Research. The health of Children in Foster Care. Social Service Review. The University of Chicago, Chicago.
Department of Health (1991b) Arrangements for the placement of Child (General) Regulations, SI 1506, HMSO, London.
Polnay, L. (2000) Promoting the health of looked after children. Government proposals demand leadership and a culture change, BMJ320, 661-2.
Local Authority Circular LAC (98)28, Quality Protects Circular: Transforming Children’s Services, Department of Health.
Department of Health (1999) The Government’s Objectives for Children’s Social Services, London.
Department of Health (2001) Children (Leaving Care) Act: Draft Regulations and
Department of Health (1999) Me, Survive Out There? New Arrangements for Young People Living in and Leaving Care, HMSO, London.
Department of Health (1997a) Substance Misuse and Young People: the Social Services Response. A Social Services Inspectorate study of young people looked after by local authorities, London.
Corlyon, J. and McGuire, C. (1997) Young Parents in Public Care: pregnancy and parenthood among young people looked after by local authorities, National Children’s Bureau
Dartington Research Unit (1995) Looking after Children: assessment and action records,(revised version), HMSO, London.
Mather, M. and Batty, D. with Payne, H. (2000) Doctors for Children in Pubic Care. A Resource Guide Advocating, Protecting And Promoting Health, British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, London.
Quality Protects Newsletter (2000) Dedicated to Young People. A Dedicated Centralised Service For Looked After Children, December edition, Department of Health,
Department of Health (1999) Promoting Health for Looked After Children, Consultation document, HMSO, London.
Broad B. (1999) Improving the health of children and young people leaving care, Adoption and Fostering23 (1), 40-8.
Howell, S. (2001) Promoting Health in Care: A Literature Review. National Healthy Care Standard, National Children’s Bureau.
NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), University of York (1997) Prevention and reducing the adverse effects of unintended teenage pregnancies, Effective Health Care Bulletin3(1), 1-12.
Payne, H. and Butler, I. (1998) Improving the health care process and determining health outcomes for children looked after by the local authority, Ambulatory Child Health4, 165-72.
Trocme N, Caunce C. The educational needs of abused and neglected children: A review of the literature. Early-Child-Development-and-Care. 1995;106:101-135.
Finkelhorn D, Berliner L. – Research on the treatment of sexually abused children: a review and recommendations. [Review] [76 refs]. – Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1995 Nov;34(11):1408-23 1408-1423.

Page 291: Prevention of child abuse
‘National commission of enquiry into the prevention of child abuse, childhood matters 1996’. HMSO, London.

Page 292: Children Act 1989
The Children Act Now: Messages from Research. Department of Health, The Stationery Office, 2001. (This contains 24 studies intended to evaluate the implementation and impact of the Children Act 1989.

Page 293: Working together to safeguard children
DH (2000) Assessing Children in Need and their Families: Practice Guidance. In: Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families, The Stationery Office,
‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ Department of Health Home Office Department for Education. The Stationery Office, London. 1999.
Utting, W. (1997) People Like Us The Report Of The Review Of The Safeguards For Children Living Away From Home, HMSO, London. ISBN: 0113221010

Page 293: Children in need and their families
‘Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families’ Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office., London, The Stationery Office. 2001.

Page 293: Children involved in prostitution
Safeguarding Children Involved in Prostitution. Supplementary Guidance to Working Together to Safeguard Children .Department of Health, Home Office, Department for Education and Employment, National Assembly for Wales. 2000.

Page 294: Area child protection committees
Complex child abuse investigations: interagency issues. Home Office and Department of Health, May 2002.
‘Formative years – children’s health in the United States, 1880-2000’. Stern A M and Markel H (editors). University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2002. Chapter ‘The discovery of child sexual abuse in America’ by Evans.

Page 296: Responsibilities of PCTs
Duties of designated doctor and nurse and named doctor and nurse – Jacqui Smiths letter of 28th January 2002 to Chief Executives of PCTs entitled “Child Protection Responsibilities of Primary Care Trusts is
More detail on the roles of the named and desgniated doctors and nurses in children protection is given in Working Together to Safeguard Children’ Department of Health Home Office Department for Education and Employment. The Stationery Office, London.
Model job descriptions for the designated and named doctors can be found on the RCPCH website at:, respectively.

Page 297: Child protection register
Children and Young People on Child Protection Registers – Year Ending 31 March 2001, England. Department of Health, 2001.

Page 297: Factitious illness
Fabricated or Induced Illness by Carers. RCPCH, and Safeguarding Children in Whom Illness is Induced or Fabricated by Carers with Parenting Responsibilities. Supplementary Guidance to Working Together to Safeguard Children. Department of Health, Home Office, Department for Education and Skills,

Page 298: Domestic violence
Domestic Violence: A Resource Manual For Health Care Professionals. Department of Health, 2000.
Bradley F, Smith M, Long J, O’Dowd T. Reported frequency of domestic violence: cross sectional survey of women attending general practice. BMJ 2002; 324: 271.
Richardson J, Coid J, Petruckevitch A, Chung W S, Moorey S, Feder G. Identifying domestic violence: cross sectional study in primary care. BMJ 2002; 324: 274.
Ramsay R, Richardson J, Carter Y, Davidson L L, Feder G. Should health professionals screen women for domestic violence? Systematic review. BMJ 2002; 325: 314

Page 300: ‘Working together to safeguard children’
‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ Department of Health Home Office Department for Education and Employment. The Stationery Office, London.

Page 300: Part 8 enquiries
The website for ACPCs in England and Wales is at
‘Learning from Past Experience – A Review of Serious Case Reviews.’ Sinclair R, Bullock R. DH, 2002.

Page 300: Training and child protection
‘Safeguarding children’. A joint chief inspectors’ report on arrangements to safeguard children. October 2002 – Department of

Page 300: Looked after children
The mental health needs of looked after children. Richardson J and Joughin C. Published by Focus – research unit of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2000. ISBN 1 901242 48

Page 300: Department of Health statistics
The homepage for Department of Health statistics is at

Page 300: ‘Quality Protects’, analysis of data – ethnic minority children and disabled children
This website (part of ‘Quality Protects’) lists publications and circulars relating to looked after children and other children in need of

Page 302: Poor health of looked after children
Excellence not Excuses. Inspection of Services for Ethnic Minority Children and Families. O’Neale. DH, 2000.

Page 303: Health of looked after children
Halfon N, Berkowitz A B, Klee L. Children in foster care in California: an examination of Medicaid reimbursed health services utilisation and expenditures. Pedaitrics 1992;89:1230-7.
Hill C M, Watkins J. Does the stautory medical review offered to children looked after by Southampton City Council provide an effective means of health assessment? Report for SE Regional NHS Executive, 2000.
Jackson S, Williams J, Maddocks A, Love A, Chung W, Hutchings H. The health needs and health care of school aged children looked after by local authorities. Final report to the Wales Office of Research and Development. University of Wales, Swansea, 2000.

Page 304: Children Act, amendment of the ‘Arrangement of placements of children regulations 1991’ from April 2002
Statutory Instrument 2002 No. 546.Children Act (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2002

Page 305: ‘Quality Protects’ and ‘Children First’
Utting, W. (1997) People Like Us The Report Of The Review Of The Safeguards For Children Living Away From Home, HMSO, London. ISBN: 0113221010The Quality Protects website is at and that for ‘Children First’ (Wales) is at

Page 305: ‘Looking after children’
Difference between the care of natural, adopted and foster children – a paper in ‘The Economic Journal’, 2000 entitled ‘How hungry is the selfish gene’ by Ann Case et

Page 307: ‘Champions for children and young people in care’ – a network, contact via CPHVA
Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association Interest Group for Promoting the Health of Looked After Children and Young People. A network including non-CPHVA

Page 307: ‘Quality Protects’
Website for Quality Protects –

Page 311: How to measure outcomes of ‘Quality Protects’

Page 312: ‘Managed clinical network’, explanation of the term
For an explanation of the term ‘Managed Clinical Network’ go to and click on publications, “Next ten years”

Page 313: Utting report – safeguarding children living away from home
Utting, W. (1997) People Like Us The Report Of The Review Of The Safeguards For Children Living Away From Home, HMSO, London. ISBN: 0113221010

Page 315-319: Adoption
The Department of Health web site for adoption is at

Page 317: Adoption allowance
Adoption. National Standards for England. DH, 2001.
Adoption. Draft Practice Guidance to Support the National Adoption Standards for England. DH.
Adoption and Children Act 2002.