Health for all Children

Chapter 14 References

Where possible we have provided additional details of websites referenced, see the Support Directory.

general disability services
275 epidemiology
276 UN convention on disability
278 Transition to adult services
278 Information for families
278 Children’s service plans
279 Standards for child development services
281 Disability registers
282 Caldicott report
283 Responsibilties of health professionals
inclusion DFES

General: Disability Services
Milner, J., Bungay, C., Jellinek, D., Hall, D. M. B. (1996) Needs of disabled children and their families, Archives of Disease in Childhood75, 399-404
Audit Commission (1994) Seen but not Heard: Co-ordinating Community Child Health and Social Services for Children in Need, HMSO, London.
DH and SSI (1998) Removing barriers for disabled children : inspection of services to disabled children and their families, Department of Health available from DH Distribution Centre, PO Box 410, Wetherby LS23 7LN
DH and SSI, Council for Disabled Children. (1998) Disabled Children: Directions for their future care, Department of Health available from DH DistributionCentre, PO Box 410, Wetherby LS23 7LN
DH (1995) Child Health in the Community: A guide to good practice, HMSO, London.
McConachie, H. R., Salt, A., Chadury, Y., Mclachlan, A., Logan, S. (1999) How do child development teams work? Findings from a UK National Survey, Child Care Health and Development, Vol 25 No. 2, pp. 157-68
SSI (2000) Excellence not Excuses. Inspection of services for ethnic minority children and families, DH Publications, London.
RCPCH (1997) The Essentials of Effective Community Health Services for Children and Young People. RCPCH, London.
RCPCH (2000) Standards for child development services, a guide for commissioners and providers, Child development and disability group of British Association for Community Child Health. Details of ordering a copy at
Right from the Start! 1994
Looking at diagnosis and disclosure – parents describe how they found out about their child’s disability. SCOPE. Details on ordering a copy at
BPA (1994) Services for Children and Adolescents with Learning Disability (Mental Handicap), RCPCH, London.
HemiHelp (1999) Recommendations for minimum standards of healthcare in children with cerebral palsy, Bell Pottinger Healthcare, Surrey.
Dennis, J. and DSMIG (1999) Basic Medical Surveillance Essentials for People with Down’s Syndrome. Website
Duffy, T. (1994) Focus on children with special needs. A guide to good practice for professionals working with children with special needs. ISBN 0-9523703-0-1

Page 275: Epidemiology
“The prevalence of disability among children. OPCS surveys of disability in Great Britain Report 3.” Bone & Meltzer 1989.Gordon et al. (2000) Disabled children in Britain: a re-analysis of the OPCS disability surveys, HMSO, London.

Page 276: UN convention regarding disability. Children Act. Education Act. Code of practice. ‘Removing barriers for disabled children’. ‘Disabled children: directions for their future care.’
Education, law and practice. Ford J, Hughes M and Ruebain D. Legal Action Group, London, 1999. (An account of the complex area of education and law by 3 lawyers who specialise in this field).
Special educational needs code of practice, 2001. DfES.
DH and SSI (1998) Removing barriers for disabled children : inspection of services to disabled children and their families, Department of Health available from DH Distribution Centre, PO Box 410, Wetherby LS23 7LN
DH and SSI, Council for Disabled Children. (1998) Disabled Children: Directions for their future care, Department of Health available from DH DistributionCentre, PO Box 410, Wetherby LS23 7LN
Education Act, 1996.
Education Act, 2002.
Children Act, 1989.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child can be found at

Page 278: Transition to adult services
The family fund trust (1999) After 16 – what’s new? Choices and challenges for young disabled people
Fiorentino L, Datta D, Gentle S, Hall DMB, Harpin V, Phillips D, Walker A. Transition from school to adult life for physically disabled young people. Arch Dis Child 1998, 79: 306-11

Page 278: Information for families
Together from the start – practical guidance for professionals working with disabled children (birth to 2) and their families. Consultation document – 2002. An important report on the partnership with parents, news breaking, and needs assessment. DfES-Together_From_Start.pdf documents

Page 278: Children’s service plans. Getting the best from children’s services: findingd from the joint reviews of social services 1998-1999
DH &SSI. Planning to Deliver. Inspection of children’s services planning. 1999.
National Assembly for Wales, SSI, Audit Commission (1999). Getting the Best from Children’s Services: Findings from Joint Reviews of Social Services, 1998/99.

Page 279: Standards for child development services
Quality in services for disabled children and their families. Mitchell W and Sloper P. Children and Society, 2001;15, 237-252 (A useful review and an extensive list of references).
‘Focusing on cerebral palsy – Reviewing and communicating needs for services’. Report prepared for SCOPE, 2001. Web site –
Milner J, Bungay, Jellinek D, Hall DMB. (1996) The needs of disabled children and their families. Archives of Disease in Childhood 75: 399-404.
Hall DMB. Child development centres – are they fulfilling their purpose? Child: care, health and development 1996. 23: 87-99.

Page 281: Disability registers
Harpin, V., Hutchison, T. (1998) Survey of UK special needs registers, Archives of Disease in Childhood78, 312-15.
Johnson, A. (1995) Use of registers in child health, Archives of Disease in Childhood72, 474-7

Page 282: Caldicott report
NHS Executive. The Caldicott Committee: Report on the review of patient-identifiable information – December 1997.

Page 283: Responsibilities of health professionals regarding special education
Intervening Early – How primary schools can help young children to get the best from school.
A review and guidebook has been produced on effective early intervention in primary schools for children who are causing concern. The review provides a framework to assist schools to identify and approach which is appropriate to their situation in working with children who are causing concern and at risk of exclusion of under achievement . The review, jointly published by Coram Family and the DfES, was commissioned by the DfEE and was launched at a joint Coram/National Pyramid Trust conference on 13 February
Information about the training needs of teachers working in special education – see ‘National Special Educational Needs Specialist Standards’, December 1999. (Publication number 91/12 – 99).
DfES. SEN tool kit, 2001. Section 12 – the role of health professionals.
DfES. SEN tool kit, 2001 Section 8: guidelines for writing advice.

See DfES website for various policy documents.