Health for all Children

Chapter 1 References

Where possible we have provided additional details of websites referenced, see the Support Directory.

page page
3 John Butler 14 Poverty & social anxiety – Denmark research
4 Ireton 15 Social exclusion – background papers
4 Polnay Report 17 Government links
4 College report on Adolescent Health Care 17 ‘The Expert Patient’ DoH 2001
5 National Screening Committee documents 18 Local authority overview and scrutiny panels
6 Sure Start website 18 UN convention of the rights of the child
9 Advocacy 19 ‘Partnership in Action’ DH 1998
9 Community developments projects 19 Children Act 1989 and subsequent legislation
12 Vital statistics in relation to social class
Page 3: John Butler
Butler, J. (1989). Child Health Surveillance in Primary Care: a Critical Review. HMSO, London.
Butler, J., Freidenfeld K. and Relton J. (1995). Child health surveillance in the new NHS.Report to the Department of Health, University of Kent, Health Services Research Unit; see also: Gillam S, Glickman, M., Boyle, G., and Woodroffe, C. (1993). Cooperation or conflict over Child Health Surveillance? Views of key actors. Quality in Health Care, 2, 83-6.
Terminology is discussed in: Stone, D.H. (1990). Terminology in Community Child Health – an urgent need for consensus. Archives of Diseases in Childhood 65, 792-5. See also: Tones, K., Tilford, S. and Robinson, Y. (1990). Health education: effectiveness and efficiency. Chapman & Hall, London and Dines, A. & Cribb, A. (1993). Health promotion concepts and practice. Blackwell, Oxford. For an excellent overview of evaluation methodology: Hawe, P, Degeling, D. and Hall, J. (1990). Evaluating Health Promotion. MacLennan & Petty, Sydney.
Child Health in the Community: A guide to good practice. NHS Executive, 1996. 

Page 4: Ireton
Ireton H 1990. Developmental screening measures, in Developmental assessment in clinical child psychology. Eds. Johnson JH and Goldman J. Pergamon; Oxford and New York, page 97-8. 

Page 4: Polnay Report
Report of a Joint Working Party on Health needs of school age children. Chaired by Leon Polnay. British Paediatric Association London 1995. 

Page 4: College report on Adolescent Health Care
Health services for Adolescents- RCPCH London 2003 –

Page 5: National Screening Committee documents
National Screening Committee web sites: and Screening policy in Australia: The National Health and Medical Research Council and the Commonwealth
Department of Health have released the report on evidence based child health screening and surveillance guidelines. It has implications for service delivery and for the training and practice of professionals, not just health professionals, who come into contact with young children and their families. The report can be downloaded from

Page 6: Sure Start website
SureStart website –
Glass, N. (1999) Sure Start: The development of an early intervention programme for young children in the United Kingdom. Children and Society13, 242 – 256.
For comparisons with work in USA see: An Annotated Bibliography of Head Start Research –
Annotated Bibliography of Research on Infant and Toddler Interventions –
J. P. Shonkoff & S. J. Meisels (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood intervention (2nd edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Sylva, K. (1994) The importance of early learning on children’s later development. Appendix C in Ball, C. Start right: the importance of early learning, Royal Society of Arts, London.

Page 9: Advocacy
Information on child policy –
Investing for health – March 2002. Department for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast. (An overview of health policies including public health and community development).
Tomorrow’s future – building a strategy for children and young people. Published by Children’s and Young People’s Unit, 2001.
Anonymous, (1990). Child health in 1990: the United States compared to Canada, England and Wales, France, the Netherlands, and Norway. Proceedings of a conference, Washington, DC, March 18 and 19, 1990. Pediatrics86, 1025-1127.
Chapman, S. and Lupton, D. (1994). The fight for the public health: principles and practice of media advocacy. BMJ, London.
Committee of enquiry into the future development of the public health function (1988). Public Health in England. HMSO, London.
Advocating for Children. Hodgkin R. for the Advocacy Committee of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. October 2000.

Page 9: Community development projects
“Preventing social exclusion” the Social exclusion unit, Cabinet Office, 2001
Social exclusion –
Wandersman, A. and Florin, P. (2002) Community interventions and effective prevention,American Psychologist, in press.

Page 12: Vital statistics in relation to social class
Black, D. (1980). Inequalities in Health HMSO, London.
Acheson, D. (1998) Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health, The Stationery Office, London.
Wilkinson RG. Putting the picture together: prosperity, redistribution, health and welfare. In: Marmot M, Wilkinson RG, eds. Social determinants of health. Oxford: OUP, 1999;256-274.
Rose G. The strategy of preventive medicine. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998;6-14
Wadsworth M. Early life. In: Marmot M, Wilkinson RG, eds. Social determinants of health. Oxford: OUP, 1999;44-63.
Walker A. The strategy of inequality. In: Walker A, Walker C, eds. Britain divided: the growth of social exclusion in the 1980s and 1990s. London: CPAG, 1997;1-16.
‘Inequalities in the health of children and young people’ – occasional paper number 3 – June 2001. Northern and Yorkshire Public Health Observatory. Web site –
ONS (1997) Health Inequalities (decennial supplement) Series DS, no 15, London, ONS.
Spencer, N. J., Bambang, S., Logan, S.,Gill (1999) Socioeconomic status and birthweight; comparison of an area-based measure with Registrar General’s social class, Journal of Epidemiology and community Health, 53, 495-498.
Roberts, I., Power, C. (1996) Does the decline in child injury mortality vary by social class? A study of class specific mortality in 1981 and 1991, BMJ, 313, 784-6
Wedge, P., Prosser, H. (1973) Born to fail?, Arrow Books, London
Department of Health (1998) The Health of Young People 1995-7, The Stationery Office, London
Creighton, S. J., Noyes, P. (1989) Child Abuse Trends in England and Wales, NSPCC, London
Mustard JF. Health, health care and social cohesion. In: Drache D, Sullivan.T.J., eds. Public success, private failures: market limits in health reform. Toronto.: Routledge. (available at, 1999
Reading R, Raybould S, Jarvis S. Deprivation, low birth weight, and children’s height: a comparison between rural and urban areas. British Medical Journal 1993;307:1458-1462.
Jarvis S, Towner E, Walsh S. Accidents. In: Botting B, ed. The health of our children: decennial supplement. OPCS Series DS No. 11. London: HMSO, 1995;95-112.
Brooks-Gunn J. Economic deprivation and early childhood development. Child Development1994;65:296-318.
Health inequalities websites:

Page 14: Poverty and social anxiety – Denmark research
Development health and the wealth of nations. Keating D P and Hertzman C. Guildford Press, New York and London 1999.
More recently this has been questioned by Mackenbach J P. Income inequality and population health. BMJ 2002;324:1-2.
Osler M, Prescott E, Gr nb k M, et al. Income inequality, individual income, and mortality in Danish adults: an analysis of pooled data from two cohort studies. BMJ 2002;324:13-6.
Sturm R, Gresenz C R. Relations of income inequality and family income to chronic medical conditions and mental health disorders: national survey in USA. BMJ 2002;324:20-3.
They have suggested that Wilkinson’s hypothesis may not be universally applicable and the observed effect may be due to other factors. Muller (Muller A. Education, income inequality, and mortality; a multiple regression analysis. BMJ 2002;324;23-5) has suggested that a lack of high school education accounted for the apparent effect. The effect of education inequality may be mediated via lack of material resources, occupational hazards and certain ‘learnt risk behaviour’.

Page 15: Social exclusion – background papers
Transport and social exclusion – there are two helpful web sites – and

Page 17: Government links

‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ Department of Health Home Office Department for Education and Employment Working Together to Safeguard Children London The Stationery Office. 1999.

‘Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families’ Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office., London, The Stationery Office. 2001.
Page 17: ‘The Expert Patient’ Department of Health 2001
‘The Expert Patient’ Department of Health 2001
Page 18: Local authority overview and scrutiny panels
A Healthy Outlook. Local Authority Overview and Scrutiny of Health. Audit Commission, 2001.^HEALTH^SUBJECT^H-SOC-SERV^REPORTS-AND-DATA^AC-REPORT&ProdID=7C1121A1-5515-492d-92C9-DC7AD55F10F2&prodType=AC-REPORT
consultation (January 2003)
Page 18: UN Convention on the rights of the child
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child can be found at an account of children’s rights for children and young people at
Children health rights – implementing the UN convention on the rights of the child within the National Health Service. British Association for Community Child Health, March 1995.
Save the Children UK also has a useful website on children’s rights at
Page 19: ‘Partnership in Action’ DH 1998
Partnership in Action, New Opportunities for Joint Working between Health and Social Services. 1998. Department of Health.
Unlocking the Potential. Effective partnerships for improving health. NHS Executive North Thames. 1998.

Page 19: Children Act 1989 and subsequent legislation
The Childrens [sic] Act 1989 – guidance and regulations. Department of Health, 1997.
The Children Act Report 1995 – 1999. Department of Health, 2000.
The Children Act Report 2000. Department of Health, 2001.
The Children Act Report 2000. Department of Health, 2002.
The Children Act Now: Messages from Research. Department of Health, 2001.
‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ Department of Health Home Office Department for Education and Employment The Stationery Office, London. 1999.
‘Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families’ Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office., London, The Stationery Office. 2001., both available from The Stationary Office.