Links and references
The Department of Health website, from which can be accessed the ‘Green Book’, other publications and useful links.
Jefferson N, Sleight G, MacFarlane A. Immunization of children by a nurse without a doctor present. BMJ.1987; 294: 423–4. A very useful article showing that a suitably trained nurse can carry out immunisation without a doctor being on the premises.
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Manual of Childhood Infections. London: WB Saunders; 2001. A concise guide to childhood infections. It includes details of diagnosis, management and prevention of infectious diseases in children.
Booy R, Sengupta N, Bedford H, et al. Measles, mumps, and rubella: prevention. Clin Evid. 2006; 15: 448–68. A review.
Bedford H, Elliman D. Concerns about immunisation. BMJ. 2000; 320: 240–3. A review of how to talk to worried parents.
Elliman DA, Bedford HE. MMR: Where are we now? Arch Dis Child. 2007; 92: 1055–7. A review of the current evidence in relation to the MMR vaccine.
Muscat M, Bang H, Wohlfahrt J et al. Measles in Europe: an epidemiological assessment. Lancet, Early Online Publication, 7 January 2009. Reviews rise in measles infections across Europe.
Great Ormond Street Hospital/Institute of Child Health An independent website for parents and professionals.
Health Protection Agency. Immunisation
Health Protection Agency. Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status.
Offit PA, Quarles J, Gerber MA, et al. Addressing parents’ concerns: do multiple vaccines overwhelm or weaken the infant’s immune system? Pediatrics. 2002; 109(1): 124–9. A review.
Offit PA, Hackett CJ. Addressing parents’ concerns: do vaccines cause allergic or autoimmune diseases?Pediatrics. 2003; 111(3): 653–9. A review.
Offit PA, Jew RK. Addressing parents’ concerns: do vaccines contain harmful preservatives, adjuvants, additives, or residuals? Pediatrics. 2003; 112(6 Pt 1):1394–7 A review.
1. See also
5. Papenburg J, Blais D, Moore D et al. Pediatric injuries from needles discarded in the community: epidemiology and risk of seroconversion. .Pediatrics. 2008;122(2):e487-92.
6. Advice on visits to farms and zoos:
8. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Feverish Illness in Young Children: NICE Guideline 47. London: NIHCE; 2007.
9. Thompson MJ, Ninis N, Perera R, et al. Clinical recognition of meningococcal disease in children and adolescents. Lancet. 2006; 367(9508): 397–403. See also Wells LC, Smith JC, Weston VC, et al. The child with a non-blanching rash: how likely is meningococcal disease? Arch Dis Child. 2001; 85(3): 218–22. See also Downes AJ, Crossland DS, Mellon AF. Prevalence and distribution of petechiae in well babies. Arch Dis Child. 2002; 86(4): 291–2
10. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Urinary Tract Infection in Children: NICE Guideline 54. London: NIHCE; 2007
11. See also
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