Health for all Children

Child Surveillance Handbook 3rd Edition: Chapter 5

Links and references

1. Statham J. Effective services to support children in special circumstances. Child Care Hlth Dev. 2004;30(6): 589–98.

2. (accessed 20 December 2008)

3. Singleton JL, Tittle MD. Deaf parents of hearing children. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2000; 5(3): 221–36.

4. Van Cleemput P. Health care needs of travellers. Arch Dis Child. 2000;82:32–7.  See also

5. Black D, Payne H, Lansdown R, et al. Babies behind bars revisited. Arch Dis Child. 2004; 89: 896–8.

6. Keen J, Alison LH. Drug misusing parents: key points for health professionals. Arch Dis Child. 2001; 85:296–9. See also Forrester D, Harwin J. Parental Substance Misuse and Child Welfare: Outcomes for Children Two Years after Referral. British Journal of Social Work 2008; 38(8):1518-35; See also Street K, Harrington J, Chiang W, et al. How great is the risk of abuse in infants born to drug-using mothers?Child: Care, Health & Development 2004; 30(4): 325–30.

7. Becker KL,.Walton-Moss B. Detecting and addressing alcohol abuse in women. Nurse Pract. 2001;26:13-23 See also Bradley KA, Boyd-Wickizer J, Powell SH, et al. Alcohol screening questionnaires in women: a critical review. JAMA; 1998; 280:166-71. See also Elliott EJ, Payne J, Morris A et al. Fetal alcohol syndrome: a prospective national surveillance study. Arch Dis Child 2008;93:732–37. See also: Giglia RC, Binns CW. Alcohol and breastfeeding: what do Australian mothers know? Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2007;16 (Suppl 1):473-477

8. Hall DMB, Elliman D, editors. Health for All Children. 4th ed. revised. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2006.