Health for all Children

Child Surveillance Handbook 3rd Edition: Chapter 3

Links and references

1. Leboyer F. Birth without violence. Rochester: Inner Traditions Bear and Company; 2002

2. Chess S, Thomas A. Temperament: Theory and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge; 1996.

3. Musters C, McDonald E, Jones I. Management of postnatal depression. Brit Med J. 2008; 337: 399–403.

4. Murray L, Andrews L. The Social Baby : Understanding Babies’ Communication from Birth. Richmond, UK: The Children’s Project; 2005 See also: Poobalan AS, Aucott L, Ross L, et al. Effects of treating postnatal depression on mother–infant interaction and child development: Systematic review. Brit J Psych 2007; 191: 378-86

5. Why mothers die. 2000–2002 report. London: CEMACH; 2002. Available at: (accessed 18 December 2008).

6. The guidance of the National Screening Committee was clarified at: (accessed 18 December 2008). See also Shakespeare J, Blake F, Garcia J. A qualitative study of the acceptability of routine screening of postnatal women using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Brit J General Practice 2003; 53: 614-19.

7. Grossmann KE, Grossmann K, Waters E. Attachment from Infancy to Adulthood: The Major Longitudinal Studies. New York: Guilford Press; 2006

8. O’Connor TG, Byrne JG. Attachment measures for research and practice. Child Adolesc Mental Health.2007; 12(4): 187–92.

9. Jones DPH. Interviewing the Sexually Abused Child: investigation of suspected abuse. 4th ed. London; Royal College of Psychiatrists: 1992.

10. Belsky J. Developmental Risks (Still) Associated with Early Child Care. JChild PsycholPsychiat. 2001; 42(7): 845-59. See also: HM Government. Choice for parents, the best start for children: a ten year strategy for childcare. 2004. 2004 (accessed 19 December 2008). Seealso: Melhuish E. 2004. Literature Review of the Impact of Early Years Childcare Provision on Young Children (paper in support of the National Audit Office Report (HC 268 2003-04) Available from: (accessed 19 December 2008).